
Interactive music: "djay 2" Mac aud
This is a demonstration video of algoriddim's Mac DJ software "djay" — .dja...
| 1.53 min. | 64693 views.

Attigo TT - New Touchscreen DJ Cons
This is a very cool new dj consol from scott hobbs, but only in the developing s...
| 1.45 min. | 66020 views.

virtualdeck: iphone ipod touch DJ
This demo shows how to beatmix with virtualdeck 1.9.2 , available for the iphone...
| 4.35 min. | 126014 views.

il dj del fururo. cdj e piatti touc
il dj del fururo. player touch screen...
| 1.58 min. | 1356 views.

iphone ipod touch DJ app (virtual
This is a features walkthrough of virtualdeck 1.9.2 , the first DJ app for the i...
| 2.35 min. | 13243 views.

Scratch DJ Application 2 iphone's &
| 2.30 min. | 538 views.

Tonium Pacemaker demo
HTFR takes a look at the Tonium Pacemaker. You can buy the pacemaker from htfr -...
| 9.57 min. | 52878 views.
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