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Pele 1970 World Cup
Pele scores with a header to make it 1-0 against Italy in the 1970 World Cup. Br...
| 0.28 min. | 209406 views.

Pelí© GREATest BALL TRICK (game pla
Pelí© RECORDS #100 meters in 11 seconds #69 Championships Won #1281 Official Goa...
| 0.42 min. | 188613 views.

Pelí© - 1958, 1962, 1966, 1970 FIFA
Eternal greatness Throughout his career, Pele was a record breaker. His 1000th g...
| 6.00 min. | 1990 views.

Mexico 1970 World Cup Final: Brazil
Memory match from BBC Football Focus, Brazil versus Italy in Mexico 1970 World C...
| 5.58 min. | 107123 views.

World Cup Compilation #3 - Brazil 1
World Cup Compilation #3. The greatest team in World Cup history as far as I'm c...
| 10.13 min. | 35400 views.

brazil v italy (pele) 1970 world cu
brazil v italy (pele) 1970 world cup...
| 0.13 min. | 6575 views.

Brazil 4 -- 1 Italy Final 1970 FIFA
Final In the final, Brazil struck first, with Pelí© heading in a cross by Riveli...
| 2.03 min. | 50471 views.

Brazil 1970 World Cup Compilation
.footballshirtculture The 1970 World Cup is now remembered as a classic -...
| 3.95 min. | 7893 views.

Brazil 1970 World Cup
Jogar bonito í© isso...
| 4.17 min. | 184243 views.

1970 World Cup PELE vs Italy
Pele's header in the final of the 1970 World Cup....
| 0.80 min. | 249 views.

World Cup 1962 Brazil vs Chile FULL
Pelí© RECORDS #100 meters in 11 seconds #69 Championships Won #1281 Official Goa...
| 10.38 min. | 5734 views.

Carlos Alberto 1970 wondergoal
Carlos Alberto talks through one of the greatest World Cup goals- against Italy ...
| 1.60 min. | 341048 views.
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