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resto druid 80 WOTLK arena
resto druid marks hunter lv 80 arena start of SS6 jubi horde just a few vids o...
| 9.90 min. | 64156 views.

LVL 80 Druid ARENA PVP 3v3
Oh, hai thar ! Sooooo this movie has alot of treeform tanking, unfortunately : ...
| 9.00 min. | 23049 views.

World of Warcraft level 80 Resto dr
Me and my arena team8 Buna doing some arenas=) eu.wowarmory...
| 7.07 min. | 51161 views.

lvl 80 resto druid pvp
This was just a short video of me that I made in an hour for fun! Character name...
| 10.00 min. | 71250 views.

Frozí©n 80 Resto Druid PvP Preview
This is my 80 alliance druid which i rarely play. all the infos about the charac...
| 3.98 min. | 11988 views.

Imcando - 80 Resto Druid PvP
Couple of Skirmish 2v2 and WSG Songs by Three Days Grace. Feel free to comment a...
| 6.63 min. | 2995 views.

2000 2K Tier WoW Arena Resto Druid
Duelist Dreamspirit's PvP Arena FAQ: .dreamspirit-studios -- High Quality...
| 3.03 min. | 158323 views.

80 Resto Druid with Survival Hunter
.pro-game-guides We played this setup as 24 Resto Survival Hunter. Musi...
| 8.53 min. | 170 views.

Ret pally PvP Arena
Ret hunter resto druid 3v3 clips. All teams were 2200 or higher. Music used ...
| 10.02 min. | 24566 views.

Level 80 Rogue PvP Kalimis Arena Pa
Hey guys, this is 2k+ arena MM as Hemo sub with a very skilled resto druid, We d...
| 9.27 min. | 28632 views.

resto druid Pvp 80 niyalord
vid i made to show how much dmg a resto druid can take in Bg and how fun it is, ...
| 7.55 min. | 7130 views.
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