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Aion Cleric PVP
This is just a test video. Its been forever since I made a video.. Over a year. ...
| 6.63 min. | 79454 views.

Aion - CBT2 Cleric vs Gladiator
Aion: The Tower of Eternity Behold, Cleric versus Gladiator PvP. Video from the ...
| 1.13 min. | 50676 views.

Aion PVP - Chanter vs Cleric
Fylina dueling a lv45 Cleric Got lucky she used that skill where she turn her hp...
| 3.53 min. | 76400 views.

Aion Cleric Abyss RvR(PVP) Video #3
You can download this video's High Quality version at here :)Korea Chromede serv...
| 10.00 min. | 91365 views.

Aion KOR - Cleric PvP (with underwa
Aion: The Tower of Eternity The PvP itself isnt so interesting although clerics ...
| 4.88 min. | 50545 views.

HQ: Aion Online PVP Gladiator vs Pr
Again in the chinese video some skills showing. pvp is between: Lvl 43 Gladiator...
| 3.52 min. | 48045 views.

Aion PvP, High Level fun! Pseudocid
This is my Cleric in Aion China. The majority of the Clips I have are in the are...
| 6.57 min. | 69367 views.

Aion PvP Cleric 20 Mins Uncut - Par
Briel (Lv46 Cleric) patrolled the Upper Abyss...
| 9.77 min. | 3380 views.

Aion PvP Cleric 20 Mins Uncut - Par
Briel (Lv46 Cleric) patrolled the Upper Abyss...
| 9.33 min. | 1019 views.

Aion Cleric abyss epic aerial RvR(P
Aion Cleric abyss aerial RvR VIdeo 'Trigger' part 1 I hope this time music don't...
| 9.22 min. | 51796 views.

[Aion PvP "Machinima" Test] Cleric
Elosa [Cleric] versus Hunnybunny [Chanter] On Kalil Server ^.^ The Chanter ran o...
| 1.50 min. | 4460 views.

Aion Cleric Solo PvP
Some solo abyss action. I cut most of the templar glad fights because they just ...
| 9.02 min. | 3067 views.
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