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LCA07: AppArmor
i386 episode 4 - AppArmor: Crispin Cowan talks about using AppArmor security sys...
| 44.17 min. | 1216 views.

Linux 2.6.30+ Local Kernel Exploit
Hello to my new vendor-sec visitors! Haven't we learned yet that the kernel can ...
| 1.30 min. | 29106 views.

Linux 2.6.30+ 64-bit Local Kernel E
Here's an updated video of the exploit, this time against an ubuntu 64bit machin...
| 3.37 min. | 4477 views.

FOSDEM 2006 apparmor
FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Development European Meeting) is a European event c...
| 51.03 min. | 46 views.

No apparmor profiles for you!
Wow, a repository (more like suppository amiright) that is missing data. Good th...
| 6.70 min. | 11 views.

Mr Magorium's Wunderbar Emporium
*watch in HD fullscreen* Exploits the vulnerability in all Linux kernels since 2...
| 1.50 min. | 9935 views.

Security Around MySQL
Danil Zburivsky (The Pythian Group) speaks at the 2010 O'Reilly MySQL User Confe...
| 37.45 min. | 21 views.

FBAC-LSM Explanation
An overview of some key points about the new FBAC-LSM Linux security mechanism. ...
| 4.12 min. | 78 views.

MinorFs Demo 1
Part one of demonstration of the MinorFS least authority user space file system ...
| 4.98 min. | 28 views.

RHEL5 2.6.18-157 Local Kernel Explo
Same exploit as the previous two videos, this time on a new target: RHEL5 2.6.18...
| 9.98 min. | 3563 views.

Linux 2.6.31 perf_counter x64 Local
Same exploit as before, just ported to 64bit (the same .c works on x86 x64) all ...
| 1.13 min. | 3265 views.

Linux 2.6.31 perf_counter 0day Loca
Video dedicated to nemo, because I know he loves these! Described in the changel...
| 0.67 min. | 4360 views.
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