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backtrack 3 on eeepc 901 Easiest Wa
This is to help all the linux n00bs (like me) that cant get BT3 working on thier...
| 2.65 min. | 36899 views.

First download the eeepc 901 bt3 module from here: rapidshare Then, Copy thi...
| 5.68 min. | 15791 views.

WEP cracked, using backtrack 3 on m
A basic How-To instruction can be found on my blog kalel7.blogspot...
| 6.72 min. | 15354 views.

EEEPC and backtrack, security testi
Well I have my eeepc running backtrack off of a memory stick for security testin...
| 4.07 min. | 10658 views.

128 WEP crack with ASUS EEE PC 900
128 WEP crack mit deutschem eee pc 900...
| 7.78 min. | 7805 views.

The Linux Foundation Video Site:: b
User-submitted video from The Linux Foundation Video Site video.linuxfoundation....
| 2.65 min. | 3300 views.

backtrack 3 - SD Card persistent ch
This is backtrack on eeepc 4gb with compiz and emerald installed on Sd4gb in per...
| 2.13 min. | 7666 views.

Booting and Cracking WEP Eee PC 900
Booting into backtrack 3 from SD and cracking 64-bit WEP on an Eee PC 900HA all ...
| 6.78 min. | 6350 views.

Worlds fastest Eee-PC 128bit WEP Cr
using Eeepc and backtrack 3 beta. both out of the box. 900 701...
| 9.62 min. | 45486 views.

Hak5 Episode 3x06
In this episode of Hak5 Darren uses the eeepc, backtrack 3, and Aircrack-ng to a...
| 38.52 min. | 50096 views.

Backtrack3 su Eee pc 1000H e come i
un video dimostrativo come funziona backtrak3 su eee pc 1000h tutto í¨ supportat...
| 2.12 min. | 921 views.

Booting Backtrack3 on the ASUS EEE
Specs: 900mhz, 1gb RAM, 12gb solid state hard drive, Aethros WIFI b g, 3 USB 2.0...
| 5.68 min. | 7424 views.
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