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| 5.27 min. | 134853 views.

The Barry Sisters Tribute
Here is a typical Yiddish song ("The Passover medley") by the fabulous Barry Sis...
| 3.10 min. | 34522 views.

HALEVAI - Moishe Oysher and The Bar
Halevai- yiddish song "Moishe Oysher (1907, Lipkany, Bessarabia, Imperial Russia...
| 3.13 min. | 98032 views.

Barry Sisters - Farges Mikh Nit
1. Mit dir libe shpil ikh un ikh bin ful mit freyd Un dokh shtendik fil ikh mir ...
| 4.52 min. | 1992 views.

Barry Sisters - Vi Ahin Zol Ikh Gey
Barry Sisters - Vi Ahin Zol Ikh Geyn Vi ahin zol ikh geyn? Ver kon entfern mir? ...
| 6.08 min. | 3032 views.

Barry Sisters - Chiribim Chiribom
| 2.62 min. | 29831 views.

The Barry Sisters Yidl Mitn Fidl yi
songs from the classic yiddish film Yidl Mitn Fidl (1936) sung in Yiddish and en...
| 7.22 min. | 81390 views.

Barry Sisters: "Eshet Chail"
Originally known as the Bagelman Sisters, the Barry Sisters were the most popula...
| 3.22 min. | 40698 views.

BUBLITCHKI yiddish song Ziggy Elman
Bublitchki Bagelach ...Russian yiddish song in the famous recordings by the grea...
| 8.03 min. | 51516 views.

"Vi iz dus geseleh?" - yiddish song
"Vi iz dus geseleh?" ("Where is the Village?- english title)-sung in yiddish and...
| 7.02 min. | 79973 views.

Perfect Harmony: The Barry Sisters
Please visit: Perfectharmonythemusical With their own particular sound and l...
| 3.68 min. | 77636 views.
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