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Irish Song - Thíos Cois na Trí¡ Do
Clannad with the beautiful Gaelic song 'Thíos Cois na Trí¡ Domh'. This song is ...
| 3.23 min. | 25520 views.

Gaelic Song by Altan "Gleanntí¡in G
This beautiful Gaelic song is an "ode" to the Irish mountains. Enjoy it!...
| 3.42 min. | 307 views.

Scots Gaelic Song (an Eala bhan-The
Incomplete recording of Mary Jane Campbell singing a beautiful song in Scots Gae...
| 0.88 min. | 25083 views.

Gaelic Song - íšrchnoc Chí©in Mhic
Gaelic song performed by the Traditional Gaelic choir from Gweedore, County Done...
| 5.52 min. | 6367 views.

Eibhlin Aruin - Gaelic Love Song (C
Eibhlin Aruin...(Eileen my treasure darling Eileen)...Beautiful love song (one o...
| 3.60 min. | 36922 views.

Gaelic song - 'Airdí Cuain' - Cí³r
Irish Gaelic choir with Airdi Cuain....
| 5.23 min. | 4477 views.

Gaelic Song by Ceilear, Skye & Loch
Beautiful gaelic song sung by Hannah with Murdo, Alasdair, Robyn, Dan and Lee, C...
| 3.30 min. | 178 views.

Julie Fowlis Lon-dubh Blackbird
Lovely promo video for Julie Fowlis' beautiful Scots Gaelic rendering of the Bea...
| 2.78 min. | 19178 views.

Nora McDonagh - "Cúirt Bhaile Nua"
Haunting and beautiful. Thanks to seanjohn61, "The singer is Nora McDonagh" and ...
| 2.93 min. | 520 views.

Great Gaelic song - 'Na hí?sleí¡in
'Seoladh Chuig na hí?sleí¡in Thiar' performed by a group of singers at an occasi...
| 0.97 min. | 504 views.

Anna Mhoireach - Mairean nan cuirea
This is a tribute to Scotland with this song and a serial of images from this co...
| 3.60 min. | 10360 views.

Altan-Gaelic Song
That is a beautiful song sung by Mairead more known as "La Rubina" Una bonita ca...
| 4.92 min. | 34805 views.
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