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Retro Swimsuit Glamour Model & DOLL
Legendary Glamour Model Magnificent Betty Brosmer In A Tight Retro Clinging 1950...
| 1.88 min. | 44597 views.

Betty Brosmer - First Supermodel-Co
-Perfect HourGlass Body-Classic-Beauty-Best-Retro- -Old Hollywood Glamour Girl -...
| 1.80 min. | 504 views.

vintage pinup mashup remix neo sexy
betty brosmer poses to crooked looks...
| 5.47 min. | 1938 views.

Joe & Betty Weider's Wedding
Joe & Betty Weider's wedding on April 24, 1961 in Las Vegas, Nevada. For more on...
| 6.07 min. | 9184 views.

Brosmer Candy Kick-Off 11 28 2009
Video from the 2009 Brosmer Candy Kick-Off...
| 5.92 min. | 263 views.

Vintage Fashion Newsreel: Swimsuits
Fashion Flashback from the VIDCAT Archive! See the chic swimsuit fashions of the...
| 1.22 min. | 51803 views.

Gil Elvgren
Pinup cartoon-artist Gil Elvgren music by Jesse Johnson Compilation by Frenz...
| 3.55 min. | 24105 views.

GLamour Models Photo Shoot + TRACI
Sweet GLamour Dolls Posing PLUS Legendary Traci lords As A SeXy Manager In A Min...
| 1.68 min. | 61362 views.

Gale Robbins Tribute
Here is a famous standard by the lovely Gale Robbins. Little known singer actres...
| 3.25 min. | 3148 views.

Retro Swimsuit
:) Follow me twitter ! :D...
| 0.67 min. | 7493 views.

Sweet Euro BLonde Cult Babe ELKE So
Gorgeous BLonde & Cult Icon Model Elke Sommer In Sweet SLideshow...
| 0.95 min. | 6087 views.

| 5.40 min. | 6013 views.
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