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Betty White wins 1987 Comedy Award
Betty White wins the 1987 American Comedy Award for Funniest Female Performer in...
| 2.85 min. | 127317 views.

American Treasury - Betty White - 1
| 1.22 min. | 278 views.

'We Love Lucy' Special '87 - Lucill
"We Love Lucy" (c.1987). Hosted by Lucie Arnaz, Betty White and Ann Jillian with...
| 4.82 min. | 1318 views.

Betty White on The Tonight Show
To promote her book "Betty White In Person" in 1987, sorry about the quality in ...
| 9.67 min. | 35307 views.

The $25000 Pyramid (1987) ***origin
Time to take on the Pyramid in part deux of Bob Stewart's OTHER long-running gam...
| 2.38 min. | 7564 views.

This is Your Life - Betty White par
1987 with Golden Girls and Mary Tyler Moore Show cast...
| 10.20 min. | 21340 views.

This is Your Life - Betty White par
1987 with Golden Girls and Mary Tyler Moore Show cast...
| 10.37 min. | 12290 views.

Betty White, Bea Arthur, & Rue McCl
Bea Arthur, Rue McClanahan, and Betty White speak out against fur. HIGH QUALITY:...
| 0.25 min. | 5390 views.

NBC fall 1987 (Come Home)
NBC fall of 1987 program lineup. NBC Saturday Night 800pm - The Facts of Life 83...
| 2.73 min. | 7663 views.

Award-Winning Photographer Dan Wint
Alex also talks with noted and award-winning Austin, Texas, photographer Dan Win...
| 10.85 min. | 6645 views.

The $100000 Pyramid (1987) PT. 3 (C
On to part three of Pyramid, where the Mystery 7 prize is a home computer! This ...
| 5.77 min. | 2557 views.

The $100000 Pyramid (1987) PT. 2 (C
Time for part two of TV's classic $100000 Pyramid. From the week of 9 14 87-9 18...
| 3.40 min. | 5259 views.
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