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Bloodsport Mugen (Theme music inclu
First it was Frank Dukes Now its Mr. Karate by Warasuki3 and Todo by REI in the ...
| 2.37 min. | 10968 views.

Buriki One: Bloodsport Tribute Kumi
Bored today so I made a bloodsport tribute video using buriki one vids. Watch it...
| 4.35 min. | 6376 views.

Mugen: Talbain's Greatest Hits
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to a very special Mugen video! First of all, this i...
| 2.85 min. | 632 views.

Requested Battle: Bloodsport (HF vs
this is a requested match by Hadoukenfighter, to see who's the better fighter. D...
| 4.52 min. | 641 views.

MUGEN-Guile(me) vs. Shin Kaname Ame
Me vs. Shin Kaname Ameri by Chotto Komaru Thanks to qwerwgrebew for sending me t...
| 2.95 min. | 6691 views.

Jean-Claude Van Damme verses Jackie
Jackie Chan wants a re-match with Jean-Claude Van Damme. Can Jackie beat him??? ...
| 3.25 min. | 212 views.

Legends of The Dark Knight Preview!
My new 2D Fighting Project for the Mugen engine featuring the talents of Spiderb...
| 5.12 min. | 5403 views.

Jean-Claude Van Damme verses Jackie
Jean-Claude Van Damme takes on Jackie Chan. Who will win? Hmm.... Watch and see....
| 2.43 min. | 300 views.

After watching Metal Slug go through loading times in the middle of a stage for ...
| 5.38 min. | 4470 views.

Buriki-One: Ryo vs Gai
Ryo Sakazaki vs Gai Tendo Buriki-One In Tokyo World Grapple Tournament '99 (cool...
| 1.88 min. | 20404 views.

JDM Mugen: Guile vs Johnny Cage
Johnny Cage by Mauteck is a dangerous opponent! His AI is very competitive and i...
| 1.55 min. | 693 views.

Buriki One: Silber Playthrough Hype
That's right dudes, I just unlocked Silber and this is the playthrough with him....
| 5.95 min. | 1942 views.
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