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Blood Diamond Theme Song
Almost 50k views, shiz.......
| 2.75 min. | 51433 views.

blood diamond soundtrack ( full ver
| 4.75 min. | 649660 views.

Blood Diamond Theme - 21 - Solomon
The theme "Solomon Vandy" for Edward Zwick's "Blood Diamond" (2006). The song is...
| 2.18 min. | 6207 views.

Blood Diamond Movie - main theme -
clips of the fantastic movie "Blood Diamond" starring Leonardo Di Caprio, set to...
| 3.37 min. | 6861 views.

Blood Diamond Theme: London
The breath taking theme song to the movie Blood Diamond by "James Newton Howard"...
| 2.35 min. | 1954 views.

blood diamond theme
this is the theme song for the movie blood diamond,you should put up the volume ...
| 2.70 min. | 16964 views.

Blood Diamond movie scene (I Can Ca
scene from Blood Diamon combined with James Newton Howard's theme "I Can Carry Y...
| 1.50 min. | 81340 views.

Blood Diamond Theme Music - Solomon
The back ground score of the movie 'Blood Diamond' which was there in the final ...
| 1.60 min. | 8912 views.

Blood Diamond Theme - 20 - London (
The theme "London" for Edwrad Zwick's "Blood Diamond" (2006). The song is compos...
| 2.67 min. | 3599 views.

Blood Diamond Theme Song
The beautiful theme song from the movie Blood Diamond. Listen to the beauty of t...
| 2.65 min. | 1315 views.

Blood Diamond Theme - 03 - Village
The theme "Village Attack" for Edward Zwick's "Blood Diamond" (2006). The song i...
| 1.88 min. | 6351 views.

Blood Diamond Theme - 06 - Maddy &
The theme "Maddy & Archer" for Edward Zwick's "Blood Diamond" (2006). The song i...
| 1.90 min. | 1299 views.
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