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Blue Waffle
Basically, type in Blue Waffle in google and click "I'm Feeling Lucky". Ha...
| 0.40 min. | 10871 views.
Blue Waffle Reactions.
Pictures of the reactions on chat roulette. Heres the link .bluewaffle.net BE...
| 1.30 min. | 214028 views.
Blue Waffle
A young woman telling her life story and about her blue waffle =D hilarous...
| 1.18 min. | 25851 views.

MW2 Lobby Vids EP-2 :Blue Waffle Re
If you are 5 years old I advise you to leave this video. If you would like to se...
| 1.92 min. | 2611 views.

Blue Waffle Reaction Video
"Blue Waffle" reaction, why people are gay....
| 1.30 min. | 780 views.
OMG HAVE YOU SEEN BLUE WAFFLE YET! Its vile! Thanks for watching my video, don't...
| 3.93 min. | 9275 views.
scarlehh... but just had to make a video on it.. its been on my mind for days :L...
| 3.43 min. | 12310 views.
Hey Its John (bunny) ^_^ .myspace 14119240 .stickam thesuicidalbun...
| 4.45 min. | 34752 views.
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