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Dozer'n with the Cat D6
Craig Shearing of Gore, New Zealand does some work on my Sheep Farm....
| 7.42 min. | 73426 views.

Starting a 1950 Cat D6 9U
The R&GVRRM has a collection of heavy equipment that it uses to maintain the mus...
| 1.72 min. | 14762 views.

Caterpillar D6
Oves D6B at work in Glommerstrí¤sk,Lappland,Sweden. .timmerpojkarna.se...
| 2.60 min. | 9171 views.

Caterpillar D6 9U
Cat D6 9U. My Dad building a new road on our property....
| 5.28 min. | 1041 views.

caterpillar D6 -57
Lasse´s D6 -57...
| 1.23 min. | 4481 views.

Mason on a CAT D6
Mason on a CAT D6 bulldozer....
| 0.40 min. | 14365 views.

cat d6 power
| 0.73 min. | 714 views.

CAT D6 Beisheim
caterpillar D6 raupen im Einsatz .maschinenfreunde.de...
| 4.38 min. | 5610 views.

Me on the Caterpillar D6 Dozer
Me driving Eric's work dozer. Big Fun, First time driving a D6...
| 3.37 min. | 570 views.

Phillip got a Cat D6 Narrow track B
It takes 2 Wide track Cat D6's to pull it out...
| 0.73 min. | 13998 views.

Caterpillar D6
Caterpillar D6 M LGP beim planieren Motorleistung -187PS Einsatzgewicht -21t Sch...
| 6.42 min. | 2764 views.

Caterpillar D6R LGP working at tipp
Caterpillar D6 are working at tippen in Roeyken in a cold winterday in Norway :-...
| 4.12 min. | 7790 views.
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