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Catholic Church: Sex abuse scandals
In recent months the Catholic Church has been rocked by scandal. After widesprea...
| 3.00 min. | 6296 views.

Catholic Church's sex abuse scandal
Ireland, meanwhile, continues to wrestle with the fallout from years of revelati...
| 2.60 min. | 392 views.

Pope "deplores" Catholic Church sex
This is a clip from episode 9.3 of "The Non-Prophets" podcast Listen to the podc...
| 3.77 min. | 962 views.

Catholic Church's sex abuse scandal
Vatican watchers expect Benedict to step down over the growing crisis, charges o...
| 2.02 min. | 266 views.

Arrest the Pope re:Catholic Church
Pope 'led cover-up of child abuse by priests' (.thisislondon.co.uk Priest Say...
| 9.68 min. | 567 views.

Catholic Church's sex abuse scandal
For Benedict, the sexual abuse revelations in Germany, where lawyers say that mo...
| 1.67 min. | 427 views.

Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal :
Police and Catholic Church Blasted Over Child Abuse Report .vaticancrimes.us ...
| 3.00 min. | 543 views.

Catholic Church's sex abuse scandal
The growing scandals might also curb the church's enduring role in European poli...
| 4.07 min. | 366 views.

Secret Church Letters Document Cath
Phil Saviano, clergy abuse survivor and activist, interviewed in 1998 about his ...
| 2.47 min. | 5515 views.

GLOBAL PULSE: Is the Pope to Blame?
(April 2, 2010) Cases of sexual abuse by Catholic priests in Europe echo decade-...
| 5.47 min. | 1473 views.

More Than 100 Sex Abuse Cases In Ge
MOXNews March 16, 2010 C-SPAN...
| 2.42 min. | 1699 views.

Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal:
RTí‰ ie 'Litany of abuse' in Dublin Archdiocese6 .vaticancrimes.us VaticanCri...
| 4.07 min. | 271 views.
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