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Kubrick tribute: A Clockwork Orange
There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim,...
| 2.53 min. | 21339 views.

Clockwork Orange - argument in the
I find the language aspect of the movie very interesting. This scene is a good r...
| 2.57 min. | 42628 views.

Clockwork Orange Adaptation-Mugging
This is from my adaptation of Anthony Burgess' "A Clockwork Orange", produced at...
| 5.27 min. | 933 views.

A Clockwork Orange - Extended Theme
Originally written by Henry Purcell (1659 - 1695) for the Funeral March of Queen...
| 6.13 min. | 162132 views.

A Clockwork Orange - "Supermassive
A music video featuring clips from Stanley Kubrick's classic: "A Clockwork Orang...
| 3.50 min. | 31822 views.

A Clockwork Orange - Extended Theme
Welcome to my Spring 2009 Version of the Theme Music from the soundtrack of Stan...
| 6.33 min. | 18405 views.

A Clockwork Orange Music Video - Wi
"There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim...
| 2.87 min. | 16980 views.

A Clockwork Milk Bar
The actual props used in Stanley Kubrik's "A Clockwork Orange"....
| 0.28 min. | 3841 views.

Music: Korova Milkbar *NOT the orig
You can find the actual music here: .youtube I synced the intro from Stan...
| 1.85 min. | 33979 views.

A Clockwork Orange - Intro
I decided to put "A Clockwork Orange" intro online since there was no decent one...
| 2.22 min. | 54983 views.

A Clockwork Orange - Alex v s Dim a
A Clockwork Orange is a 1971 film adaptation of a 1962 novel of the same name, b...
| 1.65 min. | 25982 views.

dirk steel - creep's lounge (korova
| 3.55 min. | 3434 views.
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