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Chris's 2006 Supercharged Cobalt SS
2006 Cobalt SS SC Stage II 2.9 Pulley Injen CAI GMPP Performance Catback Exhaust...
| 3.37 min. | 80742 views.

Cobalt SS Supercharged Vs Cobalt SS
Race from a dead stop.. from the start to the camera men was about a 1 4 mile...
| 1.22 min. | 6519 views.

Cobalt SS Supercharged
The start of the build on my 2007 Cobalt SS Supercharged...
| 3.82 min. | 10938 views.

2.4L Cobalt SS Supercharged
This is a video compiled of pictures and one dyno video of a 2.4L Cobalt SS Supe...
| 2.07 min. | 36026 views.

mazdaspeed3 VS cobalt SS supercharg
One of my first try on the track: My mazdaspeed 3 (DP, dual port BOV, CAI) VS a ...
| 0.43 min. | 224600 views.

2007 cobalt ss supercharged VS 2008
Same day, same dyno, 2007 stage 2 cobalt ss supercharged VS 2008 cobalt SS turbo...
| 0.77 min. | 36130 views.

07 Chevy Cobalt SS Supercharged 2.0
My sons Cobalt with Stage 2 upgrade (pulley, injectors, full GMPP exhaust with e...
| 1.73 min. | 100962 views.

2006 Chevy Cobalt SS Supercharged
Very clean Cobalt SS Supercharged. Test drive, Walk-around and Drive-bys...
| 4.28 min. | 23594 views.

spec v vs cobalt SS(supercharged) P
Part 1 10mph roll My, spec v- i h e tbs ss Friends, cobalt- i e I think i did pr...
| 0.52 min. | 35512 views.

08 Civic Si Coupe (FG2) vs Chevrole
Me (FG2 197bhp NA) vs my brother (Cobalt SS SC 205bhp FI). Both cars stock - Si ...
| 0.63 min. | 15782 views.

Chevy Cobalt SS Supercharged with 3
Chevy Cobalt SS supercharged with 3A Racing muffler....
| 0.57 min. | 26648 views.

cobalt ls turbo vs cobalt ss superc
silver cobalt wins silver cobalt ls turbo on 7psi vs black cobalt ss supercharge...
| 0.53 min. | 7803 views.
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