..1.. 2

never listenn to your cousin when t
erg so my second cousin linda and ma cousin jennifer wanted to show me a video ,...
| 0.98 min. | 92 views.

andres my cousin and luis my uncle
we were buzzed and decided to go to guitar center to fck around....
| 1.28 min. | 166 views.

cursinqq childd !
ma bby cousin sayinqq fck uu in italiann ! :]...
| 1.40 min. | 28 views.

I lost 5 Thousand Dollars!
VLOG #7 (march,5,2010) - Woke up went to atwater mall to get a xbox then realize...
| 4.95 min. | 35 views.

NL MUGEN:Kirby vs Sai
"ITS CALLED MUGEN YOU MORON DUMBASS" Quoted from my cousin K another Chibi Narut...
| 4.57 min. | 9781 views.

shuffling shuffle
Melbourne shuffle Dedicated to [sk] fuck [sk[suck balls illusion inc. shufflers ...
| 3.80 min. | 59543 views.

over remix - ptrick
FCK MY MIC = not my beat, well kinda haha i had to chop and screw, but i take n...
| 3.95 min. | 116 views.

lmfao !!
our cousin acting weird as fck :)...
| 0.42 min. | 49 views.

she got a donk!
My cousins wanted to shake their money makers! ha ha! So they did. & if you dont...
| 2.57 min. | 386 views.

maddie, me and the cousin
lol, maddie acting weird...
| 0.27 min. | 19 views.

lmSEXYaO !
brOthaa wusz gettin iht ! cOusin ent knOw wut dha FCK tew doo !! ahh mann too fc...
| 0.35 min. | 23 views.

Nicki Minaj- Mind On My Money (Live
Here are the lyrics I got my mind on my money and I'm not goin awayyyy... So kee...
| 4.58 min. | 19516 views.
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