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Lifted Craftsman Tractor
My 1998 craftsman lawn tractor, lifted with 27x12x12 vampires on the back and 22...
| 4.73 min. | 4519 views.

Craftsman® Tractor Scoop
See how you can haul up to 200 pounds of loose dirt, sand, mulch or rocks the ea...
| 1.08 min. | 10155 views.

Craftsman tractor goes up a creek
Well, we got this old junker for $25, and figured it would be a good candidate f...
| 7.30 min. | 14108 views.

CRAFTSMAN Lawn & Garden Tractor Use
This was ripped from a VHS tape that came with Craftsman tractors as a supplemen...
| 9.15 min. | 10281 views.

Starting 7 Craftsman LT4000 Tractor
Now that it's spring, I've been getting stuff ready for use. I started up all 7 ...
| 7.13 min. | 22108 views.

Fix and start a 1988 16hp Craftsman
After sitting for several years covered in filth, we decided to pull out this ol...
| 9.67 min. | 9923 views.

1982 Craftsman LTV 10 lawn tractor
I couldn't remember what was wrong with this Craftsman LTV 10 lawn tractor, so I...
| 4.37 min. | 29833 views.

CRAFTSMAN Lawn & Garden Tractor Use
This was ripped from a VHS tape that came with Craftsman tractors as a supplemen...
| 9.43 min. | 5700 views.

CRAFTSMAN Lawn & Garden Tractor Use
This was ripped from a VHS tape that came with Craftsman tractors as a supplemen...
| 9.67 min. | 4465 views.

Craftsman GT5000 Tractor (with it's
Here's the 2004 Craftsman GT5000 Hydro again, this video shows all the stuff tha...
| 6.97 min. | 13521 views.

1986 Craftsman III 20HP tractor Tra
1986 Craftsman III tractor - 20 HP Onan twin cylinder engine, 44" cutting deck. ...
| 4.03 min. | 8889 views.

Replacing a 6-speed transaxle with
I like everything about that Craftsman LT4000 twin, except it's 6-speed manual-s...
| 10.00 min. | 18442 views.
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