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Lego Star Wars My New Custom Clones
These are the custom clones that I have not shown on YouTube...
| 5.82 min. | 109346 views.
Newest Lego custom Clones
My newest clones 316th shock squad, bly, walker, and gunship....
| 2.72 min. | 22264 views.
Custom Lego Clones
Here are all my custom clones. So far. Sorry about the sound a was accidentaly c...
| 8.78 min. | 13894 views.
Lego Star Wars My Custom Clones Par
Here is part one of my lego custom clones...
| 5.45 min. | 38866 views.
Custom lego clones for contest
These was for echorocks246's contest for custom clones hope you enjoy -Commander...
| 2.52 min. | 6849 views.
A Few Custom LEGO Clones (NEW)
A few new clones and some old clones which have been changed...
| 8.15 min. | 1976 views.
My Custom Lego Clone Walker Battle
I've been wanting to upload this video for quite a long time, so now it's here! ...
| 2.62 min. | 4804 views.
Lego Star Wars The Clone Wars custo
These are some of my custom mini figs with decals by wuzzupbob. Please go to clo...
| 1.03 min. | 341345 views.
My Custom Lego Clone Commandos
the title explains it all...
| 2.17 min. | 4805 views.
Custom lego clone commanders
hey these are my custom lego clone commanders! Hope u like um!...
| 3.07 min. | 7563 views.
Custom lego clones - 327th Star Cor
These custom lego clones were made by myself, i like them a lot and they'll be f...
| 0.67 min. | 6160 views.
My custom lego clones
Here are my custom clones...
| 1.02 min. | 1046 views.

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