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QuickTip #30: The Dish's Danielle F
A fun brow mini-makeover with The Dish's Danielle Fishel. Brett is a huge fan of...
| 4.52 min. | 2047 views.

"Walk My Way" by Brett Randell w V
Hey! This is a duet I wrote with my friend Danielle Ingerman that has been in th...
| 3.80 min. | 2250 views.

Let It Be (Cover) - Brett & Daniell
Drama class - The Final Number ahh sorry for the bad picture. -_-...
| 3.13 min. | 7 views.

Colby's Clubhouse (Danielle's New C
(c)1996 Joyful Heart TBN Episode 14. Danielle is given some grief by a couple of...
| 9.67 min. | 2744 views.

Danielle Brett & Kelly [mad as u like]...
| 3.67 min. | 40 views.

scars..NANTICOKE.(brandon danny bre
our band performs scars...the blue screen in back didnt work as planned...so jus...
| 2.38 min. | 1315 views.

Danielle Discovers (Pt 1--Colby's C
(c)1996 Joyful Heart TBN In this episode, Danielle catches a classmate cheating ...
| 8.73 min. | 3461 views.

Danielle Discovers (Pt 2--Colby's C
(c)1996 Joyful Heart TBN Part 2 of episode CAST MEMBERS: 1. Brett Traina 2. Dani...
| 9.35 min. | 2440 views.

Colby's Clubhouse (Danielle's New C
(c)1996 Joyful Heart TBN Episode 14 Part 2. Danielle is given some grief by a co...
| 7.27 min. | 2181 views.

sabrina, mees, danielle brett & me it's pretty amazing!...
| 1.50 min. | 107 views.

Danielle Discovers (Pt 3--Colby's C
(c)1996 Joyful Heart TBN Part 3 of episode CAST MEMBERS: 1. Brett Traina 2. Dani...
| 7.73 min. | 3379 views.

Colby's Clubhouse (Danielle's New C
(c)1996 Joyful Heart TBN Episode 14 Part 3. Danielle is given some grief by a co...
| 9.87 min. | 3959 views.
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