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At Home w "Dr. D" David Schultz
| 7.98 min. | 75218 views.

Dr D David Schultz Shoots on Hulk H
The infamous "Dr. D" David Schultz of 20 20 fame has some harsh shoot comments f...
| 0.97 min. | 26142 views.

David Schultz slaps piss out of rep
FAKE is a four letter word in the business. Don't believe me?? Ask Dr D....
| 0.68 min. | 93233 views.

From the Vault: 20 20 Investigates
Here is the complete segment that was aired when 20 20 investigated pro wrestlin...
| 9.23 min. | 5191 views.

Dr. D David Schultz gets too person
I said that I would post interviews and angles that were well done or funny. Thi...
| 2.82 min. | 5369 views.

WRESTLING IS FAKE (watch before com
20 20 reporter John Stossel gets smacked to the ground when he asks WWF wrestler...
| 0.68 min. | 1014051 views.

Open Hand Slap by Dr. D. David Schu
Dr. D. David Schultz shows 20 20 Reporter John Stossel, what an open hand slap f...
| 0.70 min. | 2856 views.

Inoki & Fujinami Vs Bad News & Dr D
| 9.57 min. | 1031 views.

From the Vault: 20 20 Investigates
This is the conclusion to the 20 20 investigation back in 1986....
| 7.00 min. | 9329 views.

Garea vs. "Dr. D" David Schultz
1984 from the World WRestling Federation - Tony Garea takes on "Dr. D" David Sch...
| 5.87 min. | 1188 views.

Hulk Hogan vs Mr. Saito and Dr. D.
September 25 1983, St. Paul, Minnesota, A handicap match....
| 10.82 min. | 3658 views.

Dr. D. David Shultz vs. Playboy Bud
David Shultz faces Buddy Rose in a 1983 bloodbath!...
| 7.00 min. | 20116 views.
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