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USMC "Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click.
Marine Corps Boot Camp - Preview of the highly anticipated new series from the a...
| 0.85 min. | 231049 views.

OUT NOW!! Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Cli
Marine Corps Boot Camp - Preview of the highly anticipated new series from the a...
| 2.48 min. | 235948 views.

ears, open. eyeballs, click.
Marine Corps boot camp...
| 1.67 min. | 898878 views.

USMC "Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click."
Marine Corps Boot Camp documentary, preview trailer._'Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Clic...
| 0.98 min. | 449630 views.

SDI SSgt Nichols "Ears, Open. Eyeba
This was my last green belt cycle, platoon 1109. Company Honor Platoon. Join me ...
| 1.55 min. | 95346 views.

Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click. - Ch.
Preview of the highly anticipated new series from the award winning producer's o...
| 1.48 min. | 92627 views.

Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click. - Pugi
Why did you stop!?!?!? Find the DVD at .canaanbrumley...
| 0.77 min. | 377732 views.

Ears Open. Eyeballs Click.
Recruit head call...
| 0.65 min. | 288834 views.

Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click
| 0.98 min. | 441691 views.

Ears, Open Eyeballs, Click Chapter
| 0.85 min. | 22120 views.

Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click
Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click...
| 1.00 min. | 74207 views.

Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click. - Clea
Every Marine remembers moments like these...Semper Fi Get the DVD at .canaanb...
| 2.85 min. | 257569 views.
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