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Eritrea 2010 Fenkil concert: Frehiw
Eritrea Music - Frehiwet Berihu, Ainome, Tank, Seid Abdella, Zeyneb, Mohamed, Sh...
| 44.92 min. | 92471 views.

Eritrean music
| 6.35 min. | 15169 views.

NEW Eritrean music : Haileab bereke
| 5.87 min. | 9244 views.

eritrean music 2010 fenkil concert
eritrean music 2010 fenkil concert kedamo by ferahewat.flv...
| 7.68 min. | 4548 views.

Shingrwa 2010 Third Round competiti
Eritrea Music: Shingrwa (Eritrean Idol) 2010 Round Third qualifiers compete from...
| 41.95 min. | 56549 views.

eritrean music
| 5.80 min. | 7124 views.

Eritrean Music
Eritrean Music Milen Ermias Atlanta...
| 3.82 min. | 3655 views.

New Eritrean Music : Remdet Alem
| 6.83 min. | 4636 views.

Traditional Eritrean Music: Tigrign
This song is called "Embelta" by Fesshaye Negusse (thank you to a certain person...
| 4.33 min. | 3754 views.
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