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Euro Disney 1992
Promo ouverture Euro Disney 1992...
| 5.18 min. | 106488 views.

'Disneyland has come to Europe' 199
Visit .eurosouvenirland - History, memories and memorabilia from Euro Dis...
| 0.88 min. | 16961 views.

First Euro Disney Commercial (1992)
I don't know why, I just felt like putting it onto YouTube. I love Euro Disney (...
| 0.78 min. | 42276 views.

EuroDisney 1992
EuroDisney 1992...
| 0.37 min. | 12700 views.

Kylie Minogue - Celebration Perform
Kylie performs 'Celebration' at Euro Disney in 1992...
| 1.23 min. | 716 views.

6 Live: Euro Disney Opening
A live news report from Matthew Kelly and Pat Sharp on 11 April 1992, promoting ...
| 1.88 min. | 7173 views.

Euro Disney Coming Attractions, 199
From "The Grand Opening of Euro Disney" in 1992, this clip describes the attract...
| 2.13 min. | 550 views.

INAUGURATION of Euro Disney : le 12
| 10.83 min. | 17183 views.

Holiday: Euro Disney Construction
Cynical report from the construction site of Euro Disney, 9 weeks before its ope...
| 5.28 min. | 7603 views.

Captain EO Euro Disney 1992 Oppenin
Euro Disney Oppening 11 Avril 1992...
| 5.17 min. | 7733 views.

Gipsy Kings - Pida Me La (Euro Disn
Better quality posting of this concert from the EuroDisney Opening night April 1...
| 3.32 min. | 20144 views.

'When fairytales come alive' 1993 E
Visit .eurosouvenirland - History, memories and memorabilia from Euro Dis...
| 1.18 min. | 14438 views.
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