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Farid Al-Atrache - Hebeena Hebeena
Farid Al-Atrache - Hebeena Hebeena I'm not really a big fan of arabic music, but...
| 7.58 min. | 97155 views.

Farid Al Atrash - Noura
Farid Al Atrash singing Noura Noura in one of his movies. If you want to comment...
| 4.92 min. | 218346 views.

The Master Farid El-Atrash
This is an early recording of legendary *Syrian* oud master Farid El-Atrash tear...
| 6.67 min. | 378558 views.

Farid El Atrache - Ù?ريد الأØ
The Great Maestro Farid El Atrache sings one of his famous songs in Arabic Class...
| 7.28 min. | 315077 views.

Farid Al - Atrache "Naghm Fe Hayati
Farid Al - Atrache...
| 8.87 min. | 134116 views.

Farid El-Atrache - Adnaitani Bil Ha
Great song by the late master singer of unrequited love....
| 8.48 min. | 258086 views.

Farid Al Atrash - Habeena, Habeena
Farid in one of his movies singing the lovely song, "Habeena, Habeena" Enjoy! :)...
| 7.28 min. | 3360 views.

Fareed El Atrache [odta ya yawma ma
Fareed El Atrache [Farid El Atrash ] Ù?ريد الأطرش singing [odta ya yawm...
| 7.23 min. | 10804 views.

abdel halim hafez - Farid Al Atrach
Journalist making rumours that Farid & Halim have become enemies. Both progress ...
| 6.27 min. | 87370 views.

Taqsim Oud - Master Player - Farid
Farid El-Atrash Style Oud Taqsim. Played by Allan Brodi....
| 3.32 min. | 14349 views.

Lakteb Awr'a El Shajar - Farid Al A
Lyrics : Michel Taama Composer & Sing : Farid Al Atrash Direct by : Atef Salem f...
| 6.07 min. | 7328 views.

Farid El Atrache - رائعة Ù?رÙ
Farid El Atrache weaved his magical notes and composed this extremely romantic s...
| 5.73 min. | 113673 views.
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