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The First Computer CD-ROM Drive - P
This is the first computer CD-ROM Drive made by Philips. Originally released in ...
| 1.80 min. | 2308 views.

setting CD-ROM first boot
here you learn how to set CD-ROM first boot?...
| 1.08 min. | 8936 views.

How to make a icon that open cd-rom
What you have to tape will be in the first comment. just copy and paste it...
| 6.68 min. | 2313 views.

PC Gamer CDROM #1 (Dec. 1994)
A vid cap of PC Gamer's very first magazine CD. This one is very limited compare...
| 3.88 min. | 361 views.

How To Open-Close CD-ROM Over The C
******WATCH IN HQ****** First download open-close.rar program .mediafire ...
| 1.15 min. | 654 views.

Apple Computer Software Dispatch
An obscure Apple Computer history archive video from the first Software Dispatch...
| 2.92 min. | 2813 views.

CarPoint Preview from Microsoft Win
Here is a video that I've appreciated from the Microsoft Windows 95 CD-ROM, whic...
| 1.13 min. | 1648 views.

Hyper CD-ROM _ invented by Eugen Pa
Dr. Eugen Pavel is a Romanian scientist and the inventor of the Hyper CD-ROM, a ...
| 1.42 min. | 3051 views.

Dual Boot! Ep. 8: Configure BIOS to
This video is brought to you by: .pcmichiana Today's video will show you ...
| 5.90 min. | 3878 views.

Intro to Microsoft Windows 95 Start
Here is a video that I've appreciated from the Microsoft Windows 95 Starts Here ...
| 1.38 min. | 7040 views.

Restoring your Invisible CD ROM Dri
It's my first tutorial video where I teach you tubers how to get back their CD-R...
| 4.97 min. | 320 views.

Welding Secrets Revealed - New for
.weldingsecretsrevealed.net All the Welding Know-How YOU Need! Learn how to c...
| 7.60 min. | 2194 views.
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