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Fratpad Thanks G Thur Casey
The Fratmen have a little dessert after dinner....
| 5.98 min. | 52725 views.

Fratpad Body Build Warm Up
Fratmen Tucker and Taj oil themselves down before showing their moves....
| 5.52 min. | 122382 views.

Fratpad Friends
"He who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure." Fratpad : a true place a fri...
| 1.97 min. | 39558 views.

Fratpad Calvin Taco
Another house prank - amazing how long it takes Calvin to figure out whats going...
| 8.45 min. | 12910 views.

Fratpad Body Build
Fratpad Welcome's you to the gun show :)...
| 8.18 min. | 15349 views.

Ernie is Dallas' personal alarm clock - this is a good one......
| 5.35 min. | 2417 views.

Fratpad - Jayden and Taylor Duo
On Saturday, November 15th, Fratpad features the long awaited Jayden & Taylor Du...
| 0.75 min. | 77016 views.

Fratpad Mystery
Fratmen Alan discovers his treasured "you know you live at the Fratpad when" lis...
| 3.15 min. | 14900 views.

Fratpad Frat Competition
Watch the guys in a very competitive state, it gets physical!...
| 5.47 min. | 7393 views.

Watch the last 10 minutes at .fratpad where Jayden gets naked and wild....
| 9.63 min. | 5203 views.

Fratpad Topsy Turvy Prank
Fratmen Taylor has a tuff time growing plants and Fratmen Max wanted to be a bud...
| 1.55 min. | 11206 views.

Fratpad Outdoor Slide
Fratmen Chase and Taylor take a wet and wild slide....
| 1.57 min. | 3180 views.
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