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CAD Model of a Wind Turbine - Georg
Final project of ME 6104 -- Spring 2010 -- Georgia Institute of Technology CAD M...
| 1.77 min. | 61 views.

N. Georgia Mtns Off-grid Solar Inst
This is video 1 of 3 of an off-grid installation we did up in the North Georgia ...
| 6.58 min. | 348 views.

N. Georgia Mtns Off-grid Solar Arra
This is video 3 of 3 of an off-grid installation we did up in the North Georgia ...
| 4.00 min. | 261 views.

UFO crashes into wind turbine
More on the UFO wind turbine crash that allegedly occurred in Britain recently, ...
| 3.68 min. | 2529 views.

Residential Grid-Tied Solar Install
Video is a slide show of photos taken during the installation we recently comple...
| 2.72 min. | 408 views.

Milton PSB Georgia Mtn Part 1, 11.1
Vermont's Public Service Board holds a public hearing in Milton, Vermont to hear...
| 9.75 min. | 53 views.

Milton PSB Georgia Mtn Part 2
Vermont's Public Service Board holds a public hearing in Milton, Vermont to hear...
| 9.52 min. | 24 views.

Milton PSB Georgia Mtn Part 3
Vermont's Public Service Board's public hearing in Milton Vermont on the Georgia...
| 9.90 min. | 25 views.

Micro Wind Farm
Here is the "beginnings" of my micro wind farm in Cleveland, GA. I will be addin...
| 5.77 min. | 1803 views.

Fossil Gulch Wind Park
This clip shows the construction of a 10Mw wind turbine park in the State of Ida...
| 9.38 min. | 21144 views.

Milton PSB Georgia Mtn Part 4
Vermont Public Service Board's public hearing in Milton Vermont on November 10, ...
| 10.02 min. | 74 views.

Milton PSB Georgia Mtn Part 5
Vermont Public Service Board's public hearing in Milton about a 5 wind turbine p...
| 10.02 min. | 67 views.
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