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Sexy young girl gets her fine ass s
Girl dominated and searched by stripper pretending to be a fake cop .jailvids...
| 1.85 min. | 570 views.

Strip Search of 13 Year Old Girl in
.OneWorldScam SAVANA REDDING was just 13 in 2003 when she was ordered to ...
| 2.15 min. | 41270 views.

McDonalds Stripsearch
Girl gets strip searched and molested at a McDonalds....
| 7.20 min. | 156471 views.

Trisha Farkarlun's strip search
Was it police revenge for rape accusation? Here's the transcript: Security video...
| 10.30 min. | 2678 views.

Alex Jones Tv (HD) Police Lie About
| 1.20 min. | 2918 views.

School Strip-Search Case Win At Sup
A public school violated the privacy rights of a teenage girl who had to disrobe...
| 4.08 min. | 14574 views.

13 y o honor student strip searched
You better believe someone would regret it if it were my daughter. There is NO r...
| 3.35 min. | 978 views.

Police Strip Search Innocent Woman
Stark County [Canton] Ohio - Hope Steffey's night began with a call to police fo...
| 6.12 min. | 104570 views.

Tea Party Girl harrassed in SD! STR
Stop the Obama harrassment of Tea Party Members! The Union Thugs have got to sto...
| 2.28 min. | 602 views.

Strip Search At School!
Iowa, you fail. Also - wtf, Youtube shrank my video! Thanks for subscribing! ...
| 2.78 min. | 13736 views.

Stark County's rogue cops continue torturing the innocent crime victim, ripping ...
| 6.38 min. | 36153 views.

Savana Redding's strip search case
SAFFORD, Ariz., April 11 (UPI) -- A case before the US Supreme Court will test t...
| 3.78 min. | 1466 views.
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