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Authors@Google: Christopher Hitchen
Author Christopher Hitchens discusses his book "God Is Not Great: How Religion P...
| 67.68 min. | 452668 views.

Authors@Google: Steven Pinker
Renowned linguist Steven Pinker speaks at Google's Mountain View, CA, headquarte...
| 75.07 min. | 122527 views.
Authors@google: Sam Gosling
Author Sam Gosling visits Google's headquarters in Mountain View, CA, to discuss...
| 61.07 min. | 20688 views.

Authors@google: Richard Thaler
Every day, we make decisions on topics ranging from personal investments to scho...
| 56.95 min. | 23147 views.

Authors@Google: Christian Lander, "
Christian Lander visits Google's Mountain View, CA headquarters to discuss his b...
| 48.40 min. | 62552 views.

Authors@Google: Daniel Goleman
Daniel Goleman discusses his book "Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human...
| 55.88 min. | 80264 views.

Authors@Google: James Randi
James Randi is an internationally known magician (as The Amazing Randi), psychic...
| 58.17 min. | 118141 views.

Authors@Google: Slajov Zizek
The Authors@Google program was pleased to welcome Slavoj Žižek to Google's New...
| 77.20 min. | 55963 views.

Authors@Google: Elizabeth Gilbert
The Authors@Google program presents Elizabeth Gilbert author of "Eat, Pray Love"...
| 30.12 min. | 180498 views.

Authors@Google: Michael Pollan
Michael Pollan visits Google's Mountain View, CA, headquarters to discuss his bo...
| 59.23 min. | 101981 views.
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