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Apple Profit Nearly Doubles; Google
April 21 (Bloomberg) -- Jane King summarizes the top stories this morning on the...
| 1.38 min. | 14 views.

Zeitgeist 1 (Part II all the world'
video.google en.wikipedia.org Zeitgeist, the Movie is a 2007 documentary fil...
| 10.10 min. | 8508 views.

Ron Paul 0wnz the Federal Reserve
Ron Paul from committee floor. House Financial Services Committee. Bernanke pres...
| 5.15 min. | 708191 views.

How does Google rank sites which ru
Greiner Thomas from Austria asks: "How does Google rank sites which run on a dif...
| 1.55 min. | 1088 views.

Michael Jordan Awesome video
**The Song from this is called Requiem for a dream** Found this video on google ...
| 7.98 min. | 909860 views.

Nexus One Google Phone - One Take V
Sometimes, making videos with hundreds of cuts gets old. So, here's a video with...
| 1.55 min. | 612733 views.

Google Sites #2: How to Edit and Ad
This tutorial will show you how to edit and add various media to your Google Sit...
| 8.97 min. | 13748 views.

Interview with Former CIA Operative
This video presents one of the most provocative interviews ever conducted by Ted...
| 10.70 min. | 29880 views.
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