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How to Downgrade your iPod Touch or
Heey guys. Today's video will show you how to downgrade your iPhone and iPod Tou...
| 8.52 min. | 90533 views.

How To Downgrade iPod Touch and iPh
Follow me on twitter!: twitter I recently upgraded to the 3.0 firmware and j...
| 4.90 min. | 7180 views.

How to Downgrade iPhone and iPod to
You can find the website here: .idevicesource.net There's an alternative to d...
| 9.93 min. | 61003 views.

How To Get Any iPhone or iPod Touch
In this video I will show you guys how to download any iphone or ipod touch firm...
| 6.17 min. | 19243 views.

How To Downgrade Your iPod Firmware
How To Downgrade Your iPod Firmware From 3.1.3 to 3.1.2 Download 3.1.2 Firmware:...
| 3.40 min. | 3895 views.

iPhone iPod Touch Downgrade 3.0 BET
Quickpwn 2.2.5 - tinyurl Firmware Download Links: iPhone 3G - tinyurl iP...
| 3.82 min. | 86530 views.

How To Downgrade 3.0 To 2.2.1 On iP
This is a video on how to downgrade your firmware if you don't like the new one....
| 3.42 min. | 3181 views.

Downgrade Ipod Touch 3g 2g MC model
Quickfreedom - .megaupload Itunes - .megaupload Firmware -...
| 3.13 min. | 33110 views.

How to downgrade an Ipod touch 2nd
In this video I am going to show you how to down grade the firmware of your Ipod...
| 6.42 min. | 2503 views.

How to Downgrade the iPhone and iPo
This video will show you a guide for Windows on how to downgrade the iPhone 3G 3...
| 9.98 min. | 17853 views.

How to downgrade Iphone Ipod touch
I have never tried this on an Iphone, Iphone 3G, or ipod touch 2G as i am using ...
| 9.57 min. | 5632 views.

How to downgrade your ipod touch 3r
Hello YouTube viewers !! In this video you will learn how to downgrade your iPod...
| 8.88 min. | 775 views.
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