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Lesson 8b - STRESS PATTERNS - Engli
PART TWO of a lesson in THREE parts. Topic: Stress in phrases and sentences. Dev...
| 6.30 min. | 43122 views.

Lesson 8a - STRESS PATTERNS - Engli
PART ONE of a lesson in THREE parts. Topic: Stress in phrases and sentences. Dev...
| 10.20 min. | 66993 views.

American English Word Stress: Unstr
TRANSCRIPT: .RachelsEnglish See more videos and exercises at .RachelsE...
| 2.15 min. | 4206 views.

Lesson 8c - STRESS PATTERNS - Engli
PART TWO of a lesson in THREE parts. Topic: Stress in phrases and sentences. Dev...
| 5.23 min. | 45350 views.

Word stress on suffixes (learn Engl
Words which have the stress on the suffix. This video is from .podcastsinengl...
| 2.28 min. | 2672 views.

More Fun with American Word Stress!
Hi! This video covers how to pronounce longer words in English. Including which ...
| 4.35 min. | 3866 views.

Word stress on suffixes 4 (learn En
These words have the stress on the second syllable before the suffix. This video...
| 1.58 min. | 1468 views.

Intro to Word Stress: American Engl
TRANSCRIPT for the video, also the LINK to the software mentioned: .rachelsen...
| 4.32 min. | 3207 views.

Word stress on suffixes 2 (learn En
Words which have the stress immediately before the suffix. This video is from ww...
| 1.85 min. | 730 views.

Phrasal Verbs & Compound Words - Le
Topic: Compound words (nouns and adjectives) formed from phrasal verbs. Special ...
| 16.67 min. | 23774 views.

Word stress on suffixes 3 (learn En
Words which have the stress immediately before double syllable suffixes. This vi...
| 1.42 min. | 752 views.

Syllable Stress: Placing Emphasis w
Learn from specific examples how volume and pitch level changes affect the sound...
| 3.30 min. | 130 views.
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