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HTC HD2 vs Iphone 3Gs pour .hi-t
Test du nouveau HTC HD2 qui vas tres bientot ravir la premiere place au Iphone 3...
| 5.87 min. | 83114 views.

HTC HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Unboxing
Unboxing of HTC HD2 and then putting the device next to an iPhone 3GS to compare...
| 1.93 min. | 2926 views.
HTC HD2 Internet Browsing
In this video we compare the HD2's internet experience with that of the iPhone...
| 11.97 min. | 188240 views.

HTC HD2 va iPhone 3Gs video so sanh
| 5.70 min. | 6562 views.

HTC Touch HD2 Hands-on shot with iP
This is a video of the new HTC Touch HD2 shot with cydias videorecorder on iPhon...
| 1.02 min. | 6749 views.

HTC HD2 video in poor light
HTC HD2 vs iPhone 3GS - video in poor light See the article here: wmpoweruser.co...
| 0.42 min. | 11251 views.

iphone vs HTC touch HD 2
iphone vs HTC touch HD 2...
| 0.88 min. | 10786 views.

HTC HD2 - Final day
We go up-close once again and this time all the tabs are covered. We look at the...
| 19.55 min. | 27851 views.

HTC HD2 vs iPhone 3GS - pojedynek n
Ktí³ry telefon szybciej doprowadzi Was do celu?...
| 7.18 min. | 385 views.

iPhone 3G Vs HTC HD2 Arranque del O
Este video forma parte de varias comparaciones hechas entre el HTC HD2 y el iPho...
| 2.87 min. | 1057 views.

Opera web browser on HTC HD2
Live demo of the HTC HD2 web browser. You can check our full HD2 preview here: w...
| 0.98 min. | 25924 views.

Prí©sentation du HTC HD 2 en Franç
Prí©sentation et tour du HTC Touch HD2....
| 10.42 min. | 45439 views.
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