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Lion sex, mating and orgasm. Just l
My friend recently returned from Africa with the most disturbing video I think I...
| 0.60 min. | 141496 views.
Science of Sex: Mating
Are humans meant to mate for life? Watch more at dsc.discovery...
| 2.78 min. | 98809 views.
A Video on Animals' Mating
I made this video because I am outraged of the fact that people think animals' m...
| 3.57 min. | 42662 views.
Deadly Mates: Black Widow Spider
If you think the dating world of humans is tough, check out the love life of bla...
| 2.05 min. | 182191 views.
Mini People Mating Grounds
Note : We're not saying that this is a TRUE story. It's just something made up o...
| 4.07 min. | 43133 views.
What if humans had a mating call?
hahah we were so bored XD...
| 2.87 min. | 2014 views.
Are we going to see more of these N
Ok for more explaining for those that did not understand why it said The Nephili...
| 9.93 min. | 4672 views.
Is Monogamy Linked to Brain Size? -
Complete video at: Calling monogamy an "especially taxing" cognitive pra...
| 4.57 min. | 2469 views.
Camel's disgusting mating call -Mus
We watched with intrigue as it played it's stomach like a bagpipe. a Bedouin cam...
| 0.40 min. | 116954 views.
Leopards Mating
Leopards mate frequently during their 3-4 day courtship, sometimes as often as e...
| 0.28 min. | 9931 views.
Mating Leopards
Leopards mate frequently during their 3-4 day courtship, sometimes as often as e...
| 0.37 min. | 4118 views.
Gorilla Mating First View Face to F
This video shows gorillas mating face to face (which began at .06). This is prob...
| 2.13 min. | 121077 views.

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