
Karavision Philippines Karaoke DMD8
More Karavision Features and where to purchase Karavision in the Philippines. Mo...
| 4.27 min. | 1531 views.

Karavision DMD-7000+ Digi Jet DR-
Karaoke Machines - Karavision DMD-7000+ and Digi Jet DR-230 with internal record...
| 3.95 min. | 820 views.

Karavision DMD8800+ Karaoke Player
Sample Video Of the Karavision Karaoke. Multi DVD karaoke machine. Updated every...
| 5.00 min. | 5906 views.

Kung mamimiss kita by susy
heheh papa nagkakantahan cla susy sa karavision.... happy new year...
| 5.32 min. | 644 views.

madraykinL2SEA - Only Hope (cover).
This is my cover version of Only Hope. Music courtesy of Karavision (video machi...
| 4.32 min. | 27 views.

I Will Survive [by Desiree]
My sister was singing along to the song, "I Will Survive" in our karavision. =))...
| 3.02 min. | 31 views.

sony set up home theater
sony 32 inch lcd,sony blueray,sony ps3,2pcs psp,sony handycam,philips home theat...
| 2.53 min. | 29 views.

HS Reunion Day@Samal
| 9.92 min. | 371 views.

kisses seven
for kisses.. i love you! hugs...
| 3.32 min. | 48 views.
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