
Jerry Springer Set it Off
Music mixed with Jerry Springer. It is from th movie Jerry Springer uncensored 2...
| 4.28 min. | 618951 views.

The Jerry Springer Show - 'Hands Do
| 7.75 min. | 2193 views.

Priest teaches his daughters to be
On this classic clip of Jerry Springer, a priest is teaching his two daughters t...
| 1.62 min. | 977009 views.

Jerry Springer most wild moments
Jerry Springer most wild moments (C) Bobbyroller (C) The Videos and or songs bel...
| 2.42 min. | 22066 views.

Dr Evil On Jerry Springer
Dr Evil goes on Jerry Springer to talk to his disappointing less than evil son...
| 2.48 min. | 1188 views.

24 7 Chicago: Jerry Springer
Born in London in 1944 to Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany, Gerald Norman Sprin...
| 3.38 min. | 1899 views.

"Equal Rights" under the Third Reic
It's not what most skinheads and neo-nazis want to believe, after all the lies f...
| 1.02 min. | 207 views.

Gary Horowitz Show
Directed by Sosa. A daytime talk show takes a look into the biblical rivalry bet...
| 6.75 min. | 1750 views.
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