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The Korean Clock Lady
Click here for High Quality! .youtube Howard Stern and crew discuss repai...
| 2.52 min. | 517772 views.

Korean Clock Lady
I love this skit. Its so funny....
| 2.40 min. | 64187 views.

Korean Clock Lady
I got this from newgroundz.. thank heavens to them.. oi cant make a decent cuz i...
| 2.10 min. | 57339 views.

Howard Stern prank call - Chinese K
.myspace A Cantonese Chinese lady who can't say the word clock....
| 2.13 min. | 86771 views.

Korean clock lady
This is funny clip about a korean lady who cant say the word clock....
| 2.87 min. | 18438 views.

Ten Inch Black Clock and the Korean
One of the funniest calls ever made by Howard Stern to a clock repair shop speak...
| 2.62 min. | 7212 views.

Howard stern calls a korean clock l
| 2.40 min. | 6982 views.

Korean Clock Lady
Howard Stern - Korean Clock Lady...
| 2.38 min. | 10070 views.

Korean Clock Lady
Korean Clock Lady sims2 style... sorry if it doesnt look good...no video availab...
| 2.52 min. | 8689 views.

korean clock lady
Talking about clocks...
| 2.08 min. | 588 views.

Howard Stern Prank Call- Clock Lady
Previously uploaded, Korean clock store woman has trouble pronouncing L's....
| 2.45 min. | 2949 views.

The Korean Clock Lady
| 2.75 min. | 307 views.
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