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Lego Brain Gear
weird spinning thing number 3...
| 0.93 min. | 184144 views.

101 reasons why you should NOT do D
~~~YOU MUST READ THIS~~~ This video was made to start a funny, yet factual, seri...
| 1.52 min. | 2287 views.

Jane's Brain
The winning entry in the Adam & Joe Video Wars competition :) Enjoy. Also be sur...
| 0.65 min. | 150580 views.

LEGO Sculpture #11- 8-bit Mother Br
**UPDATE: Thanks for your interest in this and my many other videos. I don't kno...
| 0.47 min. | 2590 views.

Jane's Brain video storyboard
I threw this together to check the timings before I started the lego animation (...
| 0.55 min. | 4207 views.

Lego Brain Sale
Lego commercial. Lego man advertises his brain....
| 1.78 min. | 573 views.

The Brain Drain Thang lego movie
A Stop-Motion animation about an evil scientist wanting to take over the world. ...
| 2.92 min. | 164 views.

lego brain busting ad
my first ad!!!...
| 0.92 min. | 87 views.

Hannibal Lego Stop Motion (Brain Ea
A small stop-motion video I made with Lego for an A V class back in 2004...
| 3.40 min. | 1368 views.

N1 robot: LEGO body + Java ME brain
Number one (N1) is a robot which runs on a mobile phone. N1 has two parts: body ...
| 1.65 min. | 646 views.

A lego video to lose brain cells to
this is probably my worst lego video... no plot no meaning no depth... just an o...
| 1.27 min. | 62 views.

Legos Ate My Brain
I bought a Lego Mindstorm box a few years back, and barely touched it. It sat on...
| 1.33 min. | 799 views.
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