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Starting my Lister CS 6hp Diesel of
This is my very well running Lister CS diesel engine. Also known as Lister ColdS...
| 2.63 min. | 7224 views.

Lister CS diesel ticking over.
My Lister CS ticking over in my untidy garage! Lovely engine. Intend to build a ...
| 1.02 min. | 1518 views.

Lister CS Diesel engine
Lister CS Diesel engine as seen at a local vintage machinery complex. I think it...
| 0.33 min. | 13255 views.

Lister CS Listeroid Diesel Generato
Power Anand Lister 6 1 single cylinder diesel generator. 4400 watts....
| 3.47 min. | 25045 views.

lister cs diesel
loopt gasdicht...
| 2.05 min. | 1299 views.

Lister CS 12 2
Am planning on driving a mains Alternator with this, (the blue lump sitting near...
| 0.95 min. | 24217 views.

Lister CS 6 1 SOM (PART 1)
PART 1 After removing the fuel injector and testing, I decided to take the engin...
| 7.43 min. | 475 views.

Lister CS 6 1 Startup
Lister CS 6 1 single cylinder diesel engine....
| 2.48 min. | 3104 views.

Lister CS 5 1 1939 Trolley
Trolley now made for engine, just need to sort out the original cooling tank. En...
| 4.62 min. | 18609 views.

Lister CS 5 1 ~ 1943 Running on Bio
Lister CS 5 1 ~ 1943 running on biodiesel. Soon to be hooked up to an ST 5kW gen...
| 0.92 min. | 13591 views.

My Lister CS 5 1 (test run) Part 3
Actually this is the second test run. The first run was only a couple off minute...
| 10.92 min. | 849 views.

Starting a Lister CS 5-1
This is engine 42300 originally supplied to FA Standen & Sons of St. Ives on 23r...
| 1.55 min. | 3327 views.
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