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Matthew Hoh, former US State Depart
Interview with Matthew Hoh on PBS Newshour with Jim Lehrer (Oct 29, 2009) on why...
| 9.63 min. | 2336 views.

Matthew Hoh (State Dept. Employee w
Matthew Hoh (State Dept. Employee who resigned in Afghanistan) interview: Newsho...
| 9.63 min. | 658 views.

Brave New Conversations: Daniel Ell
Daniel Ellsberg (the man who helped end the Vietnam War when he leaked the Penta...
| 30.77 min. | 6598 views.

Riz Khan - Matthew Hoh - 3 Nov 09 -
Will the US send 44000 more troops to Afghanistan as part of a counter insurgenc...
| 13.00 min. | 3286 views.

Fmr Marine Corps Captain In Afghani
VOTE Today -11 30 09 To Help TYT Beat Limbaugh: .theyoungturks Matt discu...
| 21.35 min. | 5305 views.

Will the United States opt to send 44000 more troops to Afghanistan as part of a...
| 22.67 min. | 828 views.

Matthew Hoh Talks Afghanistan
| 15.02 min. | 1060 views.

Matthew Hoh, former Foreign Service
For the complete interview visit .youtube...
| 9.20 min. | 8529 views.

Matthew Hoh: I submit my resignatio
Just last month, Matthew Hoh resigned from his position at the State Department ...
| 3.78 min. | 6762 views.

Matthew Hoh, the first US Official
| 8.63 min. | 780 views.

Matthew Hoh: There is No Winning in
(Via Heather, crooksandliars ) Fareed Zakaria talks to former Foreign Servic...
| 8.52 min. | 1028 views.

Matthew Hoh on Afghanistan
We really need to do ALL we can to stop this. What the hell are we doing? Please...
| 9.63 min. | 370 views.
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