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Military Freefall Out Of The C-17
C-17 Training Jumps over El Centro on 05 30 09. Temperature on the deck reached ...
| 10.00 min. | 1427 views.

Typical US Military FreeFall HALO C
The US Army in the 1950s incorporated stablizing the body in free fall as perfec...
| 1.00 min. | 60009 views.

Military Freefall Video
Special forces student receives instruction from Andy Peckett. Video footage on ...
| 2.15 min. | 95402 views.

Military Freefall School HALO
| 1.97 min. | 15690 views.

Military Freefall
Military Frefall Course....
| 3.47 min. | 33279 views.

Military Freefall and HAHO
Test Parachuting with a C-9 Canopy...
| 4.33 min. | 19564 views.

military free fall 6
let go dive...
| 1.43 min. | 2361 views.

HALO Free Fall School
free fall school...
| 9.05 min. | 27995 views.

Military Free Fall
| 3.52 min. | 301 views.

Military Freefall Course(Canadian F
A Video of my first 30 jumps on my Military Freefall Course held in Trenton Onta...
| 9.55 min. | 1354 views.

Military Freefall - HAHO Grouping
NSW students practicing HAHO grouping exercises. Instructor and videographer, An...
| 1.75 min. | 316 views.

Military Freefall - Graded Test #1
Special forces student performs MFF graded test #1. Instructor and videographer,...
| 0.80 min. | 295 views.
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