
Scene from Obama is nailin Palin
.trashopolis Scene from "Obama is nailin Palin". Subbed in Italian!...
| 2.22 min. | 15741 views.

Check out a scene from Hustler's Ho
With little options left in The Land of the Midnight Sun, Hustlers parody Sarah ...
| 1.78 min. | 7970 views.

Who's Nailin Palin?
.onlinefreemoviesite has the most outrageous parody of Sarah Palin yet! L...
| 2.45 min. | 86190 views.

Whos Nailin Palin ?,Hot Lisa Ann Is
forumsgoogle newslivewire.blogspot Whos Nailin Palin ?,Hot Lisa Ann Is N...
| 1.63 min. | 37050 views.

Just when you thought they'd never speak again, Sarah has decided to let David L...
| 1.32 min. | 16648 views.

Nailin' Palin Sarah Palin Pt. 1
Yes. Linnaaa is playing the part of Sarah Palin. Loopay is...well loopay....
| 1.22 min. | 51174 views.

Nailin' Sarah Palin: PART THREE- Pa
CNN Plays Governor Sarah Palin's Informercial, where she reads a portion of her ...
| 5.73 min. | 15155 views.

MONTREAL — A Quebec comedy duo notorious for prank calls to celebrities and he...
| 6.75 min. | 36336 views.

Funny Sarah Palin Look-a-like Strip
teeleaves Exclusive! These guys are paid a special visit by a very hot, sexy...
| 1.68 min. | 1877 views.

Monty Python - Dead Parrot
from Monty Python's Flying Circus Season 1 - Episode 08 Full Frontal Nudity Reco...
| 5.55 min. | 1020077 views.
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