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Nawal Al Zoghbi - "Faw2 Jrou7i" fro
Nawal Al Zoghbi singing "Faw2 Jrou7i" for the first time...
| 4.23 min. | 29380 views.

Nawal El Zoghbi Faw2 Jrou7i Master
This is Nawal El Zoghby´s new Song "Fou2 Jrouhi" from her upcoming Album.. The ...
| 4.23 min. | 4744 views.

Nawal al zoghbi Faw2 Jrou7i
| 4.18 min. | 378 views.

Nawal El Zoghbi - Betrajak T5alihom
Nawal El Zoghbi - Betrajak T5alihom ( 2010 ) nawal zogbi betrajak t5alihon batra...
| 4.18 min. | 25723 views.

Ù?وق جروØÙŠ نوال الزغ
nawal released her new lebanese song faw2 jroohi (faw' Jrouhi) today in star aca...
| 4.23 min. | 41971 views.

rima njeim talking about nawals son
| 6.67 min. | 450 views.

Ù?وق جروØÙŠ نوال الزغ
| 4.23 min. | 263 views.

Nawal El Zoghbi - Fawk Jrou7i (2010
2010 New Song Nawal lZoghbi - Faouq Jrouhi...
| 4.32 min. | 943 views.

نوال الزغبي - مش بطو
نوال الزغبي - مش بطولة منك (Ù?وق جروØÙŠ ) 2010 Nawal A...
| 4.05 min. | 18607 views.

Nawal Al Zoghbi - Ù?وق جروØÙŠ
Nawal singing to her husband who wants to take her children from there mother! T...
| 4.17 min. | 14249 views.

Nawal Al Zoghbi - Above My Wounds (
English Translation lyrics : Its not manly, to take my soul away Its not a heroi...
| 4.22 min. | 1237 views.

Nawal Al Zoghbi - Dessus de mes Ble
Traduction Francaise: Ce n'est pas viril, de prendre mon í¢me loin Ce n'est pas ...
| 4.22 min. | 412 views.
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