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Story of Nibiru
Fact? Fiction? Facinating! FYI, I did not make this video and have no idea who d...
| 6.78 min. | 407620 views.

Nibiru 2012 - The end of the World
NASA has fixed the end of the world: 2012. Not my made video. So don't argue wit...
| 10.00 min. | 761213 views.

Planet X Nibiru 2012 Flyby Scenar
Produced and narrated by Marshall Masters, the first part of this February 2009 ...
| 22.87 min. | 621564 views.

Nibiru-Planet of the Crossing
Video detailing the passage of a rogue planet through our solar system every 364...
| 4.22 min. | 1382010 views.

NIBIRU 2012 AD The End ?
| 7.42 min. | 2915847 views.

NIBIRU - Truth about NibiruShock201
Several people here want you to believe the photos are real and are pictures of ...
| 6.98 min. | 569296 views.

2012 IS NEAR...
| 10.50 min. | 2134289 views.

Planet X Nibiru Nasa 2012 Doomsday
doomsday.atspace.org FREE DOWNLOAD OF ALL MY VIDEOS!!! Planet X Nibiru Nasa 2012...
| 10.20 min. | 385435 views.

Nibiru Documentary - Planet X Video
Produced by Robert Sepehr, available at .planetxvideo Ancient Sumerian te...
| 10.92 min. | 154246 views.

Are you Ready? 3 (Answers & Facts!)
This is the last episode in my series of 3 videos about Nibiru or Planet X. View...
| 10.33 min. | 2060309 views.

Planet X Nibiru on FOX News
Highly advanced civilizations have been here before us, just to be destroyed by ...
| 8.33 min. | 1346985 views.

Nibiru planet X 2012 PROOF of Gover
SEARCH!!! 5h 53m 27s,-6 10' 58, CHECK OUT bit.ly...
| 3.43 min. | 146088 views.
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