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MW2 Montage - OpTic H3CZ
PLAYER- .youtube .youtube Sub to Jacks9on Editing Team Channel Stu...
| 3.15 min. | 1677893 views.

Modern Warfare 2: OpTic Nation's An
.youtube Click here to watch OpTic H3CZ's previous montage! Modern Warfar...
| 4.95 min. | 351036 views.

Trying out MY BRAND NEW HEADSET. Jus' a little comentary on this FFA.. Doin' the...
| 6.77 min. | 18657 views.

Modern Warfare 2: OpTic H3CZ of OpT
.youtube Click here to watch OpTic H3CZs first impression of the new maps...
| 6.88 min. | 154970 views.

Dr DisRespect feat OpTic H3CZ- POWE
.youtube When DTreats first linked me on AIM to one of The Doctor's video...
| 10.00 min. | 37658 views.

Modern Warfare 2: OpTic H3CZ of OpT
.youtube Click here to watch OpTic H3CZs quickscoping video on Crash! Mod...
| 8.65 min. | 108229 views.

Modern Warfare 2: OpTic H3CZ of OpT
.youtube Click here to watch OpTic H3CZs quickscoping video on Crash! Mod...
| 8.65 min. | 42080 views.

Originally released November 09, 2009, 09:47 AM This was Filmed in Consolemod lo...
| 9.33 min. | 23468 views.

500 -OpTic H3CZ's LAST 1V1
**I'M NOT RETIRING FROM XBL....JUS' 1V1's** Its 500 wins not 500 Matches. Its 50...
| 5.82 min. | 20961 views.

Modern Warfare 2: OpTic H3CZ'S ViLL
.youtube Click here to watch more MW2 gameplay by OpTic NaTion! Modern Wa...
| 1.95 min. | 114331 views.

OpTic H3CZ - Minitage- Powered by E
player: .youtube So I had some footage laying around so i figured I'd do ...
| 3.40 min. | 84902 views.

Modern Warfare 2: OpTic H3CZ of OpT
.youtube Click here to Watch OpTic H3CZs Quickscoping on Salvage Modern W...
| 9.10 min. | 117643 views.
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