
12 Days Of Christmas - Overland Hig
A Group Of Confused Carolers from Overland HIgh School in Aurora, Co. From Left ...
| 3.18 min. | 2122 views.

Overland High School Winter Guard S
Aurora, CO. Preforming to the song Should've Known Better by Nickelcreek...
| 4.80 min. | 3106 views.

OHS Student Behavior in Public
Short video of students from Overland High School, Aurora, Colorado. This video ...
| 0.62 min. | 4511 views.

Overland High School in 2 Minutes
Overland High School is a comprehensive public, college-oriented institution. Di...
| 2.00 min. | 38 views.

Overland Graduation 1989 - Always w
John Christensen plays the Joe Satriani song during the graduation ceremony at T...
| 3.23 min. | 177 views.

Aurora Youth 4 Success
Aurora Youth 4 Success at Overland High School, July 2009...
| 5.00 min. | 74 views.

Jaffe's Drum Solo...
This is a tight solo done at our homecoming half time show. Overland High School...
| 0.50 min. | 1923 views.

CHSAA PSA - 1999
PSA for Colorado High School Activities Association and CBS4 ---- marcia neville...
| 0.50 min. | 1308 views.

Twas the Night Before Christmas
| 6.37 min. | 192 views.
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