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The General Talks PN Junctions
Theory of forward and reverse biased PN junctions is illustrated with checkers a...
| 10.00 min. | 8819 views.

Lecture-19-PN Junction
Solid State Devices...
| 58.93 min. | 12361 views.

Module - 1 Lecture - 2 PN Junction
Lecture Series on Basic Electronics by Dr.Chitralekha Mahanta, Department of Ele...
| 59.93 min. | 26838 views.

Lecture - 2 Modelling of PN Junctio
Lecture Series on Digital Integrated Circuits by Dr . Amitava Dasgupta, Departme...
| 49.40 min. | 7212 views.

Lecture-24-PN Junction(Contd)
Solid State Devices...
| 59.75 min. | 3272 views.

Lecture-25-PN Junction(Contd)
Solid State Devices...
| 60.40 min. | 3355 views.

Lecture-22-PN Junction(Contd)
Solid State Devices...
| 57.87 min. | 4345 views.

Lecture-20-PN Junction(Contd)
Solid State Devices...
| 58.67 min. | 5442 views.

Lecture-23-PN Junction(Contd)
Solid State Devices...
| 59.83 min. | 3495 views.

VisualTCAD demo part 1: Drawing a P
In this demo, we show how a PN-junction diode device is drawn and meshed, in the...
| 6.18 min. | 128 views.

Lecture-21-PN Junction(Contd)
Solid State Devices...
| 58.00 min. | 4613 views.

VisualTCAD demo part 2: Simulating
This demo shows how to simulate the IV characteristics of a PN-junction diode, w...
| 7.05 min. | 138 views.
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