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wii sports resort island fly over 0
READ THE DESCRIPTION!!!! this video will show you where (i) points are around th...
| 5.17 min. | 7010 views.

Wii Sports Resort - Island Flyover
This is my path to 57 points found in 5 minutes during the daytime in Wii Sports...
| 6.13 min. | 10568 views.

Wii Sports Resort: All 80 Island Fl
| 1.37 min. | 44958 views.

Wii Sports Resort Island Flyover- A
Wii Sports Resort Island Flyover- All 80 i Points, Resort Home, and Tricks i rea...
| 6.62 min. | 1496 views.

Wii Sports Resort - Island Flyover
This is my best score (57) on the Island Flyover 'i' points challenge. All of th...
| 6.12 min. | 2533 views.

All 80 Wii Sports Resort Island Fly
Wii Sports Resort Island Flyover Points...
| 2.12 min. | 11422 views.

Wii Sports Resort : Island Flyover
Wii Sports Resort Island Flyover took me about 4 days to get all of the points. ...
| 2.53 min. | 20513 views.

Wii Sports Resort: Island Flyover 8
All the i Points in the game!!!...
| 0.62 min. | 5965 views.

List of 80 Island flyover i-points
Out of all 80 i-points in Wii Sports Resort Island Flyover, Stillwater Grotto is...
| 9.02 min. | 296 views.

How to get all 80 "i" Info markers
This is for some clarification some people may need. This is how you can get the...
| 5.52 min. | 32212 views.

Wii Sports Resort - Island Flyover
This is a flyover of WuHu Island in the evening time! Truly beautiful, a must se...
| 6.05 min. | 8987 views.

All 80 Flyover "i" Points (Wii Spor
A complete list of all 80 Air Sports Island Flyover i points in Wii Sports Resor...
| 1.58 min. | 237436 views.
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